CBG oil 20ml – 3% – 600mg CBG


How to use CBG oil?

  • Shake well before every use
  • Place 2-3 drops under tongue and swallow after a minute
  • Store at room temperature
SKU: 8719689300371 Category:


Best entourage effect

In addition, our CBG oil contains all other cannabinoids naturally produced by the plant – including CBD. The most renowned researchers assume that the combination of all active components in CBG or CBD oil, probably provide a greater effect on our health than the effect of a single component. This synergetic combination between the active ingredients is also called the entourage effect.

Our experienced farmer believes that some extracts and oils contain more than 1000 active components, each with their own positive effect on our health. This fact, and the high concentration of CBG and other active components in this product, make this CBG oil unique and highly effective. Needless to say it is a welcome and logical addition to our product range. Try it yourself to find out how CBG oil can help you!

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